The Risk Factors And Diagnosis: Neurodegenerative Diseases

The Risk Factors And Diagnosis: Neurodegenerative Diseases

We humans must always keep in mind that we are susceptible to all kinds of brain disorders and diseases. We have done a fantastic job at finding a cure is for a lot of diseases that plague us, but we are still fumbled and confounded when humans start talking about cancer. Neurodegenerative diseases have also had a massive impact on human beings. These are a couple of diseases that don’t exactly have a proper cure.

A neurodegenerative disease or a brain disorder is something that can literally affect anyone, and the risk factors are very different, and they vary from case to case. But, you need to keep in mind that there is a lot of risk involved. Traumatic brain injury is a very common in children under four years old and young adults between 15 to 25 years old. Even adults who are 65 and older are susceptible to traumatic brain injury.

It is also a very well-known fact that brain tumours can literally affect people of any age. The personal risk happens to depend on genetics and also the exposure to the kind of environment that you are facing on a daily basis. If you are somebody who is exposed to radiation a lot, you are susceptible to tumours in the body and the brain. Individuals who are older and have a family history of neurodegenerative diseases are very vulnerable to these kinds of diseases.

Mental disorders are incredibly common. Need to keep in mind that one among five American adults have experienced a mental health condition of any kind. Your risk may actually be higher if you have a family history of mental illness. Your risk may be higher if you have had a traumatic or even a stressful life experience. Even if you have a history of miss using alcohol and drugs, you could be in the danger zone. If the person has suffered a very traumatic brain injury, they are also very prone to neurodegenerative diseases that would cause and wreak havoc on them and their lives.

The diagnosis is not exactly a very simple procedure. First, a neurological specialist will have to diagnose the brain. They will have to do so by performing multiple exams. They will first test your vision, hearing and your balance. The doctor will also get images of your brain with the help of imaging tools like CT, PET scans and MRI scans. These scans will do a fantastic job when it comes to showing the doctor what exactly is happening in your brain. The doctor might also need to study the fluid from your brain and the spinal cord. This will help them find if there is any bleeding or any kinds of abnormalities in the brain.

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